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Shaky Job Situation Be Warned

Ever get the feeling your job situation is shaky? You know . . . that nervous grumbling in the pit of your stomach that your boss isn't happy with you.

Or your job is in jeopardy? It's never good news. But at least you can check for warning signs. That will allow you to plan ahead with contingency strategies so you're not caught short.

Warning sign #1: Keep a watchful eye on your supervisors especially during performance reviews. Are they just going through the motions? Did you do something stupid but never got reprimanded for it? Warning sign #2: Pay attention to the rumor mill. Pay particular attention to rumors that come from support staff. Warning sign #3: Tap your business network. Your competitors and suppliers can often see trouble brewing before you do. Warning sign #4: Will your company need you in the future? Unfortunately, executives rank training far below other corporate priorities.

Most technical skills have a shelf life of three to five years. If you're not getting up to speed, you may on your way out. Warning sign #5: Observe your boss for subtle signs. He/she always knows if you're getting terminated before you do.

For example, lack of eye contact is a dead giveaway. Or suddenly not being invited to staff meetings. If you sense any of these warning signs are adding up to trouble for you, there are some things you can do immediately to try to head them off. Offer perspectives on work projects that the company can't get anywhere else. Intellectual firepower will give you the best chance of surviving any workplace reductions.

Is your knowledge unique? Do younger workers approach you as a mentor? Despite your best efforts, things may not go your way. But being alerted to the possibility can help you prepare for the inevitable. The first thing you should do is rally your outside contacts to start looking for you. Tell friends, family, neighbors and anyone you have contact with (especially in business) that you're interested in advancing your career in some new directions.

Give them specifics about your looking for. And make them career partners with you in your quest. The exciting news is that there's already a proven alternative job search system in place that can get you up to speed in a matter of hours and have you entertaining real job offers in as little as two weeks!.

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info! http://www.fastest-job-search.com

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